Thursday, March 25, 2010


Carson is saying some super funny things lately. I wanted to post them so I wouldn't forget.

Carson just learned his whole name. He was going around telling everyone his "new" name. At church last week a few ladies were talking about Alice in Wonderland and I guess Carson got confused. He was going around telling everyone his name was Carson Alice. (His middle name is Allen just in case you didn't know.)

When Carson hurts someone's feelings instead of saying sorry he says, "it's ok, I like you hair cut." I'm not sure where this came from, but I think it is super cute.

He loves magic tricks right now. He always has us close our eyes so he can make things disappear and reappear.

If I ask him to go and get me something he always comes back with it hidden. He smiles really big and says, "Mommy I have a prize for you." Then he will give me the item. He is such a sweetheart sometimes.

Every coin he finds is his lucky penny!!!


The Rookie said...

So cute. "It's okay, I like you're haircut!" Classic.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute love that boy he is so cute.