Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What I Want To Do Today!

**** Just to update you I have finished all of the things on my list, except I didn't get the valentines in the mail. However, they are ready to be mailed. I am super happy with my results.****

I have had a long to do list for quite sometime now. Today is my day off and I am going to get some of the list checked off. I want to share the list so that I will be more likely to get it done.

1. laundry (impossible to finish, but I can dream right)

2. Go through the boys clothes and get out things that are too small

3. Get the items ready for the church yard sale

4. Plan a YW activity for tonight

5. Make the boys each a St. Patty's day shirt

6. Mail my sister and mom their valentine's day cards (really late, I know)

7. Return the dish that a friend let us barrow (it was full of enchiladas when we got it)

8. Clean the bathroom

Wish me luck! I will let you know how I did tomorrow.


Melissa said...

Good luck!!!

The Rookie said...

I hope, for your sake, it all got done (or at least enough of it to give you some peace of mind).