Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Car 1's Pictures!!

At our Mother's day dinner I let Car 1 take some pictures with my camera. He took tons and tons of photos. Mostly of the floor and window. Some of his pictures just happened to work out. Here are my three favorites. I just love the pictures of Car 2 he was really getting into posing for his brother. The other picture is of baby Kaelyn. She is 4 months old now.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute!!! The picture of the baby won't come up on my cp any way the pictures are ya mom,,

JudyAD said...

Hi Heidi
I enjoy the pictures of your little ones, they are growing up so fast. You've got quite a photographer there. Looking forward to seeing you this summer.
Love ya, Aunt Judy

Alice said...

So cute. Funny how sometimes the pictures kids take turn out.

Hope you had a nice Mother's Day.