Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Potty Training!!

Car 1 is getting the hang of the whole potty training thing lately. He has started wearing his big boy underwear all day. He had a couple of accident free days but sometimes he just cannot make it to the potty. I would like to know, why when he pees his pants its like a waterfall but when he goes on the potty it is more like a tiny trickle.

Also we got a new computer and I have not got my camera software installed yet. I am going to be posting some cute pictures that Car 1 took at our mother's day dinner.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Yay for Car 1 and his big boy pants. I have no explanation for your waterfall/tinkle issue but I totally thought "of course it works out that way" :).

Bring on the pictures.