As you all know my camera got broken last Sunday. On Thursday we took it back to Best Buy to have it looked at. The good news is it can be fixed and it is covered by my insurance thing I got with the camera (for an extra $20). Now the bad news is that it will not be back in my hands for almost two weeks. I am dying. I have so many things that I want to be taking pictures of. So far you have all missed the awesome butterfly migration that is going on right now. It is crazy there are butterflies everywhere. Seriously tons of them. You also missed seeing the cute baby blanket I made for my friend to give to someone for a baby shower present. It was another rag baby quilt but it was blue, green, white, and had frogs and snails on it. I want to take pictures of my niece and the flower hair clips I made her this week (I will take pictures of that when I get my camera back). My two boys where playing so good together and I wanted a picture but no.
I just wanted you guys to know what it is you are missing out on.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Things You've Missed!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Spring!!
We have a little spring on our ranch. It is kind of far from the house but today we got in the van and drove out there. Well as far as it could go anyway. We had to walk a little way. I wanted to take the kids to see it and I wanted a chance to take some pictures of the boys. Corey drove and his brother, Sky, came along to navigate. It was so much fun. Here are some of the pictures I took.Would you believe me if I told you the second picture is of Car 2 eating a rock. Yes he love to try and eat rocks. Don't worry after I got the picture I took the rock away. Here are some more picture just because I took a ton and want you guys to see them.
There are two different ponds at the spring the lower pond, that you can see in the picture with me and Car 2, has fish in it. They are just little minnows but the kids thought they were neat.
Corey and I decided that we need to spend more time outside on the ranch it is so big and there are a lot of things to see and do.
*2 side notes- We didn't even get any rain or wind from hurricane Ike. I was disappointed because the boys love to play in the rain and puddles. I was also glad because floods are not great. The other side note is Car 2 broke my camera when we got back from the spring so I have to take it in to get fixed or replaced. Wish me luck that it wont be gone long.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Is There A Wrong Way To Eat A Reese's??
I love Reese's peanut butter cups. I also love the ad campaign "No wrong way to eat a Reese's." The other day I gave Car 2 a peanut butter cup. Just one mind you and this is what I found when we got to our destination.
Car 2 was asleep and he had chocolate everywhere. I tell you that it looked as though he could not have gotten any of the peanut butter cup in his mouth. I never go anywhere without a box of wipes so I was able to get him clean when we got out of the van.
Note to self don't give a kid a peanut butter cup in the car on a hot day.